The leaders at Leadwave have accumulated more than 30 years experience, to serve all of Ridgetown, Ontario area businesses’ I.T. requirements. Our outsourced I.T. technicians have the experience you need to support and monitor all of your computer and network systems. All that training has been done for you.

Why not avoid the hassle and expense of employing and training your own I.T. staff to maintain your systems?


You can have all the I.T. services you require for much less than the cost of employing and training a full-time I.T. staff in Ridgetown, Ontario. Our outsourced I.T. technicians can modernize and simplify your current systems, monitor system performance, and anticipate and prevent potential problems. We can also provide data protection and network security to make sure your data is never compromised. We are your full service I.T. provider.

Leadwave  takes the stress and challenge out of managing the I.T. systems of your enterprise, with outsourced I.T. technicians to support services tailored to your business’s specific needs in Ridgetown, Ontario.

When Leadwave is your I.T. department, our outsourced I.T. technician services provide highly skilled technicians trained to support your team quickly and effortlessly, enabling you to focus your valuable energy into building your business.


Staying on top of current technology is something in which our certified outsourced I.T. technician excel. We utilize expertise and commitment to prevent any potential disruptions to the efficient running of your Ridgetown, Ontario business, and stop small issues before they can grow into a significant problem, to increase your company’s productivity and decrease downtime.

Learn about LEADWAVE® and the team that helps you leverage technology to succeed.